
I'm heading to Nepal and beyond. These are my experiences.

Tag: scholarship

Back in Nepal

My whirlwind month trip back to Nepal was indescribably amazing. Without sufficient vocabulary to express my gratitude and good fortune, I resort here to pictures.

In Phalewas:


Rural students my friends and I are sponsoring for their science education for the next 2 years. Thanks Will, Jamie, Patrice, and Winnie!


My FM radio interview broadcasted across several communities. We didn't have enough material, so I sang the US national anthem!

In Nurbuling school:


The students I taught 8 months ago! During the morning assembly they gave me a warm welcome 🙂


Village hospitality. Nima on the left welcomed me to her home and 7 more over the course of a day! What a wonderful way to get to know the Hyolmo culture. I can't thank them enough. Thanks for 5 types of local wine and endless tea!


Love the village life


Oh and I carried this 3 week old bugger up and down many hills to his new home. You don't want to know what happened to my tshirt.

In Tinpiple:


The only dump site that collects the trash from Kathmandu and neighboring cities. Many families live and work here to earn about $1-2 a day. It was absolutely humbling to experience a few hours with them.


On a dump truck back to town. Here is one of the single mothers that works at the site. She was so gracious and friendly! I met her children who were thankfully taken away from working at the site and are now receiving good education and housing, thanks to a great organization that I'll describe later. Again, a humbling experience.

So much more! But alas, photos don’t even do it justice.

Thank you, Nepal! Coming twice this year wasn’t enough. You’ve been a great teacher to me, and I’ll come back to learn and contribute as best I can.

Pay for a girl’s schooling

“If you teach a girl you teach a family.” – Nepali saying

I’m asking for a show of hands.

Picture an unassuming, rural girl entering college, training to become a teacher, engineer, doctor, or researcher.

Now imagine you were the one who gave her the boost.

Do you want to help fund a girl through 2 years of high school?

I was fortunate to meet an energetic school headmaster who envisions supporting qualified but economically disadvantaged girls through science and math schooling. Education in the sciences costs more than the humanities due to laboratory and specialized teaching costs.

Girls in Nepal face enormous disadvantages due to expectations of getting married young and taking care of the household. Paying directly for their funding may ameliorate their situation.

It costs $600 to put a girl through 2 years of schooling.

All that we’ll ask from you is to be in 1-on-1 correspondence to your sponsored girl. And that you be an infinite source of inspiration. (The latter optional.)

Now this isn’t through an established non-profit organization (it’s not through any organization at all), and your donation won’t be tax-deductible, but what’s appealing to me, at least, is it’s directness.

As a bonus, I’m going to speak in person to the scholarship candidates and will also announce it on the local radio station!

Winnie, the headmaster, another organizer, and I have committed to sponsor a girl each. We just need a few more. If this is at all appealing to you, or if you need more information, please let me know by email or comment directly to me.