How to rock a skirt


The brave day I broke my skirt virginity was July 11th, 2014.

Longyi are worn by at least 50% of the men in urban Myanmar, and around 90% in rural. They’re cylindrical garments tied into a bun below the belly button. The learning curve to tie it neatly was similar to that of a necktie. Quite hipster I might add. I don’t anticipate the prerequisite courage to don the garment beyond the confines of this country, so in the spirit of light backpacking, I’ll multipurpose it as any of the following:

1. Bedsheet
2. Blanket
3. Beach towel
4. Changing room
5. Pillowcase
6. Protective wrap around my backpack
7. Turban

And finally…

8. Baby sling

I’ll let you know if it works out 🙂