Return to Guatemala


Lorena, my teacher before and now. From single to married with 2 daughters in the intervening 7 years. Way to go!

Before graduate school, I studied Spanish in Antigua Guatemala. Seven years later, I returned to round out my year of travel. These are some images (Photos above are from 2007, below are from 2014).


Before, my humble desk at the small school. Now there are up to 30 students at a time studying in a new garden!


Going to coffee museum, La Azotea. Then, I went with my great friend Marie-Eve. This time I went with Ayumi and Bruce, and with a greater appreciation of coffee 🙂


El Arco, then and now. Really no changes at all! Colonial zoning restrictions.


Women carrying. Traditional wear is still very common, and women are strong.


My traditional wear. With my cousin Stephanie 7 years ago, and this time with Sabrina at a traditional wedding with our cabbage patch baby 🙂


Volcán Pacaya. Before lots of red lava at our feet. This time none, but there were some major devastating eruptions a few years ago.


The same blue shirt. I'm cheap, and I cling onto shirts. This one was from about 10 years ago, and it's in top notch condition still! That's tour operator, Sandra from before, couldn't find her this time.


Selfies. It used to be harder with a point and shoot. This time it's all about front facing cameras on mobile devices.


Festivals. I was so lucky to see processions last time, and this time we saw all the kites on Dia de los santos.