Letter to Mom

by rc

This is a followup to my previous point about telling parents about travel, which in hindsight was overly simplistic. My mother, who lives alone in Taiwan, recently panicked about my travel plans, and I wrote this passage to better explain myself. I hope this is informative to others who may find themselves in similar situations.


Mom, I’m safe here in Vietnam.

With respect to my travel plans, please do not worry. I didn’t explain myself very clearly before because I knew it would just make you worry.

I plan to travel throughout Southeast Asia for the remainder of this year. I spent the last two years planning this trip. For teaching and volunteering, I went to Nepal. In Vietnam, there are many more things for me to learn and do.

The work environment in the States now is such that a PhD from Stanford is not rare. This trip will increase my job opportunities. My friends at large companies have said that this experience will make me stand out among the crowd and help me get a foot in the door.

Among my friends, there are few that are truly satisfied with their lives. I want to use this time to carefully consider how I want to live my life.

I know that our values may not be the same. You and Dad provided us a great environment to develop, and now I’m taking full advantage of it.

I also thought deeply about our family. Fourteen years ago Dad left and changed the the direction of our family. I know that it’s been a difficult past decade for you living alone in Taiwan. Our family never brings up these issues. We never communicate, and we’ve never given ourselves time to heal. I will use this time to think about how I want to lead my life and how I would want to raise a family.
Please don’t worry about me financially. Ever since I left Taiwan, I worked hard to earn my own money these past 12 years. Once I’m back in the States earning a paycheck, I’ll send money back to you too.

I know that you’re worried because you love me. I love you, too. Our family never says these words, but I know it’s true. You and Dad gave us room to grow up independently. Please have faith in me. I will do my best to live responsibly and meaningfully and contribute to society.