Things that worked at school

by rc

At Nurbuling school, 70 of the 100 students live in the dorms, most of them boys. Here are some of the things I introduced that worked for them.

Twister. Thanks, Tiff. Fun, but violent rendition of the game.

hand slap
Hand slapping game. They loved this one. Hand-eye coordination training.


Hand pushing game. Balance training.

Chess. My record = 1 loss, 1 stalemate. Not bad ๐Ÿ™‚

Checkers. My record = 1 stalemate. They had never seen this game before.

No blinking game. They already knew this one. I lost quiet a lot. Dry eyes to blame.


Korean drinking/animal game. Thank you, Catherine, for teaching us at WashU. Who knew this would become the game of choice here!
Japanese and Taiwanese drinking/predicting the number of jointly raised fingers games. Math practice.

Improvised computer class to do my personal work. They had seen computers, but not often.


Printing Wikipedia entries. No internet, so I printed Pele’s entry back in Kathmandu.

Guitar. Good thing I donated 2. A single one would have been difficult to teach with. The teacher that knows how to play has the stern manner not conducive to teaching. Students asked me specifically to teach them as I’m a mechanism to bend the arbitrary rules. Too bad I’m not much of a player. Overall it was difficult to teach games due to the highly regulated nature of dorms. For example, one teacher prohibited playing cards.

Science class. At least I think this worked. We were learning about solar and lunar eclipses and we made this out of the plywood for the bunk beds, cricket and basketballs, and our own ingenuity! Guess if this was a solar or lunar eclipse when we shown the light on the hanging cricket ball.
Things showed that they’ve never seen before, even the teachers.

Kindle. Amazon, you’ve got work to do.


Camping stove and gas. This was my awkward attempt to make coffee.

Water filter. Sawyer filter based off Fred’s recommendation. Grade 5 and above had learned about water filters in their books, so this was a live demo of a real life one.