How to tell your parents you’re traveling

by rc

traditional backpack

Short answer: Just tell them.


1. Be crystal clear internally why you’re doing it. Don’t simply be running away from something, or even many things. Be honest with yourself and have a firm reason.
2. Fund everything yourself. Make it so you don’t owe them financially. Besides, it makes your travel all the more liberating. Of course, you probably owe them a heck of a lot. For one my parents gave me an education and, most importantly, gifted me an environment to gain independence of thought. But, please, try to separate duty vs. what you want to do with your life. Really define your responsibilities and set those boundaries.
3. Every parent is different. It’s worth considering your audience, but this isn’t some professional pitch. I argue that the delivery should just be the same, regardless of the parent. For my dad, I succinctly stated that I’m traveling for months. To his credit, he didn’t question. For my mom, I also just stated it (rather, fumbled my way through it) and endured a barrage of spitfire. That’s ok too. Asserting independence is part of life. Some would argue, like Thoreau, and a whole slew of modern writers , that it’s everything. In the same vein, recognize how much of a momma’s boy you are. It’ll be rare for a protective mom to be 100% in on your plans. Moderate her expectations.
4. Fix in your brain the losses you will incur if you don’t go. That was a big one for me. I absolutely knew I would regret it for the rest of my life had I chickened out. I’m serious. If I didn’t do this for myself, a part of my brain would have atrophied. I wasn’t about to let that happen. This is my time. So here I am.