My Kathmandu host family portrait

by rc


I can’t remember the last time I witnessed better family dynamics than at my Kathmandu host family. The relationships between the parents and three kids are relaxed and playful, and everyone picks up the slack; no lip. To me they are immensely caring and helpful. I completely owe it to Winnie for our immediate immersion into local Nepal, as she stayed with this family last year while volunteering at an orphanage.
Shanti makes everything work. She is the strong housewife that sacrificed opportunities and talents in her youth to support a family. She carries herself with pride and dignity. Her cooking is other worldly, too! Raam is the reserved, beaten down yet persevering husband, who spent a number of years doing manual labor in western Europe to save and provide a better family life. In the midst of a disappointing restaurant venture, he’s looking toward greener pastures. The eldest son Rosan is quiet and responsible, seeking opportunities in Malaysia and beyond in hospitality.

Rohit, the second son, is an athletic cowboy, imaginative and handy. I anticipate him becoming a buccaneering jack of all trades. image

Rojina, the youngest, is soft spoken, dutiful and thoughtful, enduring of constant teasing by her brothers. The whole gang is close-knit, yet allowing of proper space.

We made momo’s one night – a dish that originated from Chinese dumplings, with a masala twist. What a great family activity! Everyone poked fun at each other’s failed momo making techniques, and hearty laughter permeated throughout the building. Such warmth in this family!
The family has enjoyed hosting volunteers who have come to help at the orphanage. However, they became disillusioned by the “orphanage business.” The whole family has come together to put together their next family venture, an organization that supports the disadvantaged elderly – those with no children, no spouse, or disability. I hope they find their niche here.