Having demonstrable skills

by rc


Climbing at a wall in Kathmandu. Wait, I don't lead climb.

What skills can you readily show someone? Or even teach someone? As tomorrow is the start of a one month stay at the rural Nurbuling School dormitory, I’ve challenged myself to reflect upon what I actually comprehend and can pass on to others. How can the children benefit from my presence?

Adding structure
Soccer – on our high school team, we practiced many drills – keep away, efficient first touch, positional roles, and offside trap. Additionally, before each kickoff, we performed warmups in a certain sequence. Perhaps this structure will add some discipline, connect these kids to the matches they see on TV, and strike fear in opposing schools.
Setting goals – I’m attempting my third 100 pushup challenge. I’m taping up a calendar and holding myself accountable with the students. I’ll establish a routine – wake up, meditate, brew coffee, then 100 pushup challenge. I’d better succeed!
Perhaps this touches on being a role model? I feel woefully ill equipped.

The arts
Guitar – I’m donating two “Givsun” guitars to the school. At least one teacher there plays, and I can strum a few chords. Some of the older kids might take an interest. And hopefully I get somewhere in the next month!
Singing – I’ll karaoke there! No room for shame. I’ll require them to teach me a few Nepali songs too.
Dancing – They’ll teach me. They’ve got an arsenal of serious moves.
Art – Unfortunately I’ve got no skills.

Using technology
The extent of technology most of the kids have seen and used is limited. Cell phones are probably the most common. I’ll use a computer for simple word processing, my mobile phone for internet, and I’m also bringing a portable 3-bulb solar panel system to have a little lighting at night! Hopefully they will benefit from this exposure.

Teaching classes
Rock climbing – this is the only certification I’ve got! While we won’t be climbing there, at least the enthusiastic teaching attitude may translate across other classes I teach.
Outdoor skills – The boys captured a pheasant and ate it for crying out loud. What can I teach them??
Yoga class – They’ll get a kick out of doing handstands!
Martial arts – They’ve asked twice if I know any TKD or Kung Fu. Sorry to disappoint!

The forecast
We’ll see what really happens over the next month. I’m grateful I’ve tried new things and more recently reflected upon them. It does underscore the value of seriously cultivating your real interests. What can you take with you, always?